Andrews Dream Big Assist Fund is a charitable nonprofit organization that promotes and encourages good health and wellbeing. The organization began in the Maritimes with Allan Andrews’ work in supporting healthy communities by increasing access to physical activity for youth. The organization's health promotion goals:
Encourageand facilitate general physical fitness Provide fitness programs and opportunities Share ways to improve health and fitness levels through physical activity
All donations and funds raised go to improve access to opportunities for physical activity on PEI and provide health information to enable people to increase control over and improve their health. For more information about health promotion on PEI visit
"I had a dream and I think that really helped me get through my younger years to have that dream and to have something to shoot for." Allan Andrews
Allan Andrews' legacy is widely known for his strong commitment to healthy youth development motivating them to dream big. Your support can help others to "have that dream and to have something to shoot for."
Andrews Island Dream Big Assist Grant
This program will support PEI community-led wellness initiatives that build capacity, introduce opportunities and increase access to physical activity. Check back for application information.
Live Active in Your Neighbourhood
Webinar Series
Each webinar is an online seminar that allows participants from anywhere to come together in a virtual way to share health information.
Discover ways to maintain and improve health and fitness through this Live Active in Your Neighbourhood webinar series. Join the webinar with presenter Dr. Chris Shields, Acadia University scholar-practitioner in Kinesiology. Topic: How Can I Get Motivated. Date to be announced.
Check out this video for the series launch with presenter Dr. Emily Bremer, Canada Research Chair in Healthy Inclusive Communities.
Andrews Dream Big Assist Fund is the business operating name of Andrews Island Alliance governed by its Board of Directors. Charity registration #: 712772516RR0001